Sunday, March 4, 2007


Taughannock creek in late December, before any significant snowfall.
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Walk in the Park

Nice afternoon, temp in the mid-30's, sun in and out of the clouds and the snow starting to melt.
Walking up the Taughannock gorge every so often there was the sound of rocks and gravel falling from the cliff faces. Twice, while standing on the footbridge by the falls, I was startled by an explosive crack!, followed by the sound of some bigger pieces of rock and ice rattling down the steep slope. Remarkably difficult to pinpoint the actual site of origin, although I did see a few pieces on their way down. Those signs that say "Do Not Go Beyond This Point" are offering good advice.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

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In the Apple Orchard

Midday, about 30 degrees, and the deer were out in force. A herd of about 12 were next door in the orchard. They are around frequently and its always impressive to see how they can just vanish into the woods next to the field.